
Time domain

Plot a typical impulse repsonse for a room 80 x 12 x 100 sample lengths long. Wall reflection coefficients were all 0.9, ceiling and floor coefficients were 0.7. Source and receiver were at (30, 100, 40) amd (50, 10, 60) sample periods [1].

Room impulse repsonse in time-domain

Room impulse repsonse in time-domain


The python libraries necessary ro run this can be installed using pip as follows

$ pip install .
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


The unit tests are located in the tests directory, they can be run from the root directory

$ python -m unittest discover -s tests


  1. Allen, J. B., & Berkley, D. A. (1979). Image method for efficiently simulating small‐room acoustics. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 65(4), 943-950. Available

  2. Lehmann, Eric A., and Anders M. Johansson. “Prediction of energy decay in room impulse responses simulated with an image-source model.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124.1 (2008): 269-277. Available